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A generic component for creating accessibile modal layer objects. The modal layer provides a focus locked and scrollable overlay layer for a dialog. The child of a ModalLayer must have the role "dialog" and specify either an aria-label or aria-labelledby attribute.

Basic usage

Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.

Small modal variant

Any Paragon component or export may be added to the code example.

Theme Variables#

CSS VariableComputed Value

Props API#

ModalLayer Props API
  • children node Required

    Specifies the contents of the modal

  • onClose func Required

    A callback function for when the modal is dismissed

  • isOpen bool Required

    Is the modal dialog open or closed

  • isBlocking bool

    Prevent clicking on the backdrop or pressing Esc to close the modal

  • zIndex number

    Specifies the z-index of the modal

ModalCloseButton Props API
  • as elementType

    Specifies the base element

  • children node

    Specifies the content of the button

  • className string

    Specifies class name to append to the base element

  • onClick func

    Specifies the callback function when the close button is clicked

Usage Insights#


Project NameParagon VersionInstance Count


Project NameParagon VersionInstance Count